Taking the first step toward getting help is often the most difficult - Please don't hesistate to contact me.

My fees are affordable for most with a sliding scale range of $60-$130. per session. I leave it up to the client to come up with a fee. There is no financial statements used to make this determination. We briefly discuss the fee to make sure it seems fair for both of us. Sometimes fee adjustments are made in the course of treatment if financial circumstances have changed or if more sessions per week are needed.

About insurance: Currently I accept Value Options Empire, NY, NY HMO (CHCS), NY-MEDICAID (CHCS). In Massachusetts, I am a MBHP, Blue Cross/Blue Sheild and Medicare provider. Other insurance coverage is pending. Please call for latest coverage updates.

Keep in mind that when you do use your insurance, your confidentiality is not completely secured. Your insurance company requires diagnosis and sometimes requires a clinician to reveal treatment plans and session notes. Sometimes, this can alter your prospects for life insurance as well as employment possibilities.

If confidentiality is a major concern for you and you want to make sure that the information shared is between you and me only, you might want to elect not to use your insurance for mental health services.
