I honor the people that I work with by being respectful, caring and interested. I value the importance of confidentiality and will not share information unless you give me written permission to do so. I am consistent, reliable and available (within 24 hrs).

I value your right of self determination and will not judge you for the life style that you choose or the decisions that you make. My job is to help you understand yourself better and teach you skills that will help you reach your goals.

I will be honest with you and let you know if I think I can help you. If I don't think I can help you, I will do my best to help you fmd someone that can.

I will focus on your strengths and encourage you to strive for increased self awareness and openness while at the same time honor your limitations. You will not be pressured, coerced or manipulated.

Psychotherapy and coaching will increase awareness, acceptance, compassion, detachment, increased skill building which will result in you being more responsible (or being able to respond).
